On the afternoon of the 25th (German local time), German broadcaster Matthias Matussek mentioned the ‘MTV Unplugged’ performance by BTS on the radio broadcast ‘Bayern3’.
Matussek added, “I also have a Korean car,” he added. “You shouldn’t blame me for being a ‘racist’ just because this boy band is from Korea.” In particular, Matussek continued his sophistication, saying, “BTS is an abbreviation for novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).”
People around the world posted articles on social media such as “We are against racial discrimination” and “Racism cannot be an opinion,” urging Matussek to apologize.
As the controversy heated up, Bayern 3 released an apology through its homepage, saying, “This is Matussek’s personal opinion,” and clarified that “The core of this program is that the organizers express their opinion clearly and realistically.
It added, “This is not a remark to hurt BTS.”
Source: tenasia.hankyung.com
just bts