IVE’s ‘Love Dive’ unquenchable popularity → Billboard charts for 26 weeks in a row

IVE (Ahn Yu-jin, Gaeul, Rei, Jang Won-young, Liz, Lee Seo) has been on the Billboard chart for 26 weeks in a row. ‘After Like’ ranked 54th on the ‘Billboard Global 200 (top 20)’ chart and succeeded in charting for 6 weeks in a row. In the ‘Billboard Global (excluding the US / highest ranking 9th)’ chart, it also recorded the chart-in for the 6th week and ranked 29th.

Then, ‘Love Dive’ entered the charts for 26 weeks in a row, ranking 136 on the ‘Billboard Global (excluding the US / top 10)’ chart. 

In addition, Ive, who is still popular on the six charts of Billboard’s ‘HITS OF THE WORLD’, was ranked 3rd in Korea, 15th in Taiwan, and 27th in Japan with ‘After Like’. 

On the Singapore chart, it rose three places to 6th place, and the Hong Kong chart also climbed three places to 21st place. In addition, ‘Love Dive’ also ranked 7th in Korea and 85th in Japan, making it to the two charts of ‘HITS OF THE WORLD’. 

IVE, who has been on the Billboard chart for a long time, is also showing great music power in the domestic charts.

Source: sports.donga.com


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