Jay Park to Return with New Single ‘McNasty’ on the 30th – Unique Teaser Revealed

Singer Jay Park is set to make a highly anticipated return with a captivating hip-hop track.

On the 27th, his agency MORE VISION announced, “Jay Park will release his new single ‘McNasty’ on the 30th.” This announcement was accompanied by a teaser image shared on their official SNS on the 26th.

The teaser image features Jay Park tasting something while covered in flour, creating a striking and intense mood. His mature and captivating visual, combined with the unique and intriguing vibe of the teaser, has heightened expectations for the new track.

Particularly eye-catching are the elaborate tooth gems and accessories that complement the red-colored album title ‘McNasty,’ drawing fans’ attention. Jay Park is expected to captivate fans with his multifaceted charm, blending sweetness with a touch of bitterness.

Jay Park’s new single ‘McNasty’ will be available on various online music platforms on the 30th at 6 PM.

Source: heraldpop.com


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