Kpop Social Media Trend on 08-27-2021: NCT 127’s ‘STICKER’ and STAYC’s ‘’STEREOTYPE’ Comeback + SEVENTEEN ’독 : Fear’ DANCE COVER’

NCT 127, No.22 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in youtube likes (0.70%. 113,106 more likes) on 08-27-2021.

STAYC‘s youtube likes also increased a lot (0.69%. 25,047 more likes).

STAYC‘s youtube comments also increased a lot (0.62%. 1,475 more comments).

Here are more social data of NCT 127:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 15,907,637 16,020,743 0.71% 24
YouTube Comments 608,158 610,595 0.4% 30
YouTube Views 312,657,192 312,657,192 0% 35
Twitter Followers 6,166,709 6,175,283 0.14% 12
Twitter Tweets 5,007 5,013 0.12% 33
Vlive Members 3,771,651 3,772,486 0.02% 14
Vlive Likes 3,303,481,602 3,303,879,620 0.01% 25
Vlive Comments 9,604,618 9,604,694 0% 36
Vlive Plays 61,304,774 61,322,295 0.03% 28

Here are more social data of STAYC:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 3,561,926 3,586,973 0.7% 56
YouTube Comments 233,245 234,720 0.63% 58
YouTube Views 129,700,137 129,895,974 0.15% 67
Twitter Followers 251,607 252,254 0.26% 73
Twitter Tweets 1,469 1,478 0.61% 81
Vlive Members 87,875 87,942 0.08% 73
Vlive Likes 64,116,260 64,129,032 0.02% 72
Vlive Comments 381,080 381,084 0% 73
Vlive Plays 1,923,047 1,923,705 0.03% 74

These interesting article/contents about NCT 127 & STAYC should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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