Kpop Social Media Trend on 09-01-2021: Purple Kiss’ ‘Zombie’ teaser and MCND’s Comeback

PURPLE KISS, No.76 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in youtube likes (0.97%. 24,342 more likes) on 09-01-2021.

PURPLE KISS‘s youtube likes also increased a lot (0.97%. 24,342 more likes).

MCND‘s youtube comments also increased a lot (1.00%. 1,044 more comments).

Here are more social data of PURPLE KISS:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 2,461,107 2,485,449 0.98% 64
YouTube Comments 176,957 178,137 0.66% 64
YouTube Views 52,028,436 52,099,680 0.14% 79
Twitter Followers 110,123 110,476 0.32% 85
Twitter Tweets 1,863 1,865 0.11% 76
Vlive Members 35,327 35,517 0.53% 82
Vlive Likes 57,311,985 57,386,312 0.13% 74
Vlive Comments 411,356 411,505 0.04% 72
Vlive Plays 1,344,020 1,348,173 0.31% 81

Here are more social data of MCND:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 1,528,350 1,539,543 0.73% 71
YouTube Comments 102,370 103,414 1.01% 74
YouTube Views 15,683,890 15,694,272 0.07% 99
Twitter Followers 278,738 279,076 0.12% 71
Twitter Tweets 5,430 5,452 0.4% 29
Vlive Members 196,971 197,103 0.07% 67
Vlive Likes 371,961,979 372,059,960 0.03% 57
Vlive Comments 1,995,121 1,995,146 0% 57
Vlive Plays 8,878,306 8,880,674 0.03% 58

These interesting article/contents about PURPLE KISS & MCND should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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