Kpop Social Media Trend on 09-17-2021: STAYC’s ‘STEREOTYPE’ and NCT 127’s ‘STICKER’

STAYC, No.65 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in twitter tweets (1.47%. 25 more tweets) on 09-17-2021.

STAYC‘s youtube views also increased a lot (0.88%. 1,527,031 more views).

NCT 127‘s youtube views also increased a lot (0.74%. 2,504,309 more views).

Here are more social data of STAYC:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 4,670,311 0 0% 83
YouTube Comments 293,575 0 0% 83
YouTube Views 171,970,343 173,497,374 0.88% 60
Twitter Followers 281,371 283,272 0.67% 70
Twitter Tweets 1,667 1,692 1.48% 79
Vlive Members 97,982 98,296 0.32% 72
Vlive Likes 70,392,917 70,408,863 0.02% 72
Vlive Comments 401,053 401,062 0% 73
Vlive Plays 2,046,160 2,047,065 0.04% 73

Here are more social data of NCT 127:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 18,842,482 0 0% 38
YouTube Comments 709,211 0 0% 38
YouTube Views 335,265,950 337,770,259 0.74% 33
Twitter Followers 6,332,614 6,340,324 0.12% 12
Twitter Tweets 5,119 5,127 0.16% 33
Vlive Members 3,818,857 3,819,708 0.02% 14
Vlive Likes 3,315,264,201 3,315,396,265 0% 25
Vlive Comments 9,613,678 9,613,719 0% 36
Vlive Plays 61,971,627 61,981,721 0.02% 28

These interesting article/contents about STAYC & NCT 127 should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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