Kpop Social Media Trend on 09-18-2021: T1419’s ‘Get the Bomb’ and LIGHTSUM Chowon’s Birthday

T1419, No.93 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in youtube views (10.2%. 374,570 more views) on 09-18-2021.

T1419‘s twitter tweets also increased a lot (0.86%. 21 more tweets).

LIGHTSUM‘s vlive comments also increased a lot (2.11%. 3,258 more comments).

Here are more social data of T1419:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 494,388 0 0% 84
YouTube Comments 44,985 0 0% 84
YouTube Views 3,277,639 3,652,209 10.26% 108
Twitter Followers 49,587 49,624 0.07% 95
Twitter Tweets 2,398 2,419 0.87% 67
Vlive Members 44,059 44,069 0.02% 80
Vlive Likes 87,530,269 87,539,908 0.01% 69
Vlive Comments 454,196 454,207 0% 70
Vlive Plays 1,645,330 1,645,670 0.02% 76

Here are more social data of LIGHTSUM:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 904,465 0 0% 108
YouTube Comments 81,872 0 0% 108
YouTube Views 26,757,022 26,766,992 0.04% 91
Twitter Followers 82,857 82,902 0.05% 88
Twitter Tweets 953 954 0.1% 95
Vlive Members 23,079 23,092 0.06% 88
Vlive Likes 20,446,649 20,687,526 1.16% 83
Vlive Comments 151,124 154,382 2.11% 82
Vlive Plays 546,305 549,616 0.6% 87

These interesting article/contents about T1419 & LIGHTSUM should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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