Kpop Social Media Trend on 09-21-2021: PURPLE KISS’ ‘Zombie’ and STAYC’s ‘STEREOTYPE’

PURPLE KISS, No.74 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in twitter tweets (0.59%. 13 more tweets) on 09-21-2021.

STAYC‘s twitter followers also increased a lot (0.40%. 1,162 more followers).

STAYC‘s youtube views also increased a lot (0.40%. 716,577 more views).

Here are more social data of PURPLE KISS:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 2,894,266 0 0% 101
YouTube Comments 206,383 0 0% 101
YouTube Views 73,835,824 74,025,702 0.26% 74
Twitter Followers 118,788 119,098 0.26% 85
Twitter Tweets 2,169 2,182 0.6% 71
Vlive Members 38,295 38,335 0.1% 81
Vlive Likes 61,256,522 61,269,184 0.02% 73
Vlive Comments 439,767 439,789 0.01% 72
Vlive Plays 1,402,210 1,402,846 0.05% 80

Here are more social data of STAYC:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 4,793,604 0 0% 83
YouTube Comments 296,165 0 0% 83
YouTube Views 177,485,337 178,201,914 0.4% 60
Twitter Followers 287,626 288,788 0.4% 70
Twitter Tweets 1,715 1,717 0.12% 79
Vlive Members 100,263 100,551 0.29% 72
Vlive Likes 70,541,702 70,559,174 0.02% 72
Vlive Comments 401,089 401,095 0% 73
Vlive Plays 2,055,921 2,056,943 0.05% 73

These interesting article/contents about PURPLE KISS & STAYC should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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