Home Social Media Trend Articles Kpop Social Media Trend on 10-06-2021: AESPA‘s ‘SAVAGE’ and BLITZERS’ ‘SEAT-BELT’

Kpop Social Media Trend on 10-06-2021: AESPA‘s ‘SAVAGE’ and BLITZERS’ ‘SEAT-BELT’


AESPA, No.28 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in vlive plays (2.05%. 49,314 more plays) on 10-06-2021.

AESPA‘s twitter tweets also increased a lot (0.88%. 8 more tweets).

BLITZERS‘s youtube views also increased a lot (1.32%. 159,897 more views).

Here are more social data of AESPA:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 11,231,993 11,252,327 0.18% 28
YouTube Comments 537,888 537,891 0% 34
YouTube Views 309,015,638 309,875,813 0.28% 38
Twitter Followers 1,586,032 1,593,015 0.44% 31
Twitter Tweets 894 902 0.89% 98
Vlive Members 582,350 584,757 0.41% 47
Vlive Likes 120,913,531 121,430,006 0.43% 67
Vlive Comments 365,339 366,064 0.2% 74
Vlive Plays 2,352,329 2,401,643 2.05% 71

Here are more social data of BLITZERS:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 283,273 283,554 0.1% 97
YouTube Comments 26,597 26,605 0.03% 97
YouTube Views 11,950,213 12,110,110 1.32% 104
Twitter Followers 21,488 21,571 0.38% 101
Twitter Tweets 1,246 1,254 0.64% 87
Vlive Members 14,335 14,355 0.14% 92
Vlive Likes 16,361,211 16,400,736 0.24% 84
Vlive Comments 190,349 190,365 0.01% 81
Vlive Plays 218,292 218,688 0.18% 91

These interesting article/contents about AESPA & BLITZERS should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Kbopping.com Social Data Trend!**



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