Kpop Social Media Trend on 10-27-2021: Park Ji-Hoon’s ‘Serious’ and TO1’s ‘RE:ALIZE’ group poster

Ji-Hoon Park, No.60 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in twitter tweets (1.06%. 24 more tweets) on 10-27-2021.

TO1‘s twitter tweets also increased a lot (0.79%. 8 more tweets).

Here are more social data of Ji-Hoon Park:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 3,515,792 3,522,195 0.18% 60
YouTube Comments 201,127 201,498 0.18% 62
YouTube Views 43,623,518 43,650,534 0.06% 89
Twitter Followers 334,483 334,539 0.02% 66
Twitter Tweets 2,224 2,248 1.07% 71
Vlive Members 474,626 474,646 0% 55
Vlive Likes 1,852,401,712 1,853,012,273 0.03% 40
Vlive Comments 3,538,781 3,538,975 0.01% 49
Vlive Plays 13,653,935 13,659,425 0.04% 52

Here are more social data of TO1:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 474,795 477,054 0.47% 91
YouTube Comments 33,816 33,886 0.21% 93
YouTube Views 19,811,750 19,859,483 0.24% 103
Twitter Followers 177,232 177,365 0.07% 82
Twitter Tweets 994 1,002 0.8% 97
Vlive Members 117,609 117,650 0.03% 72
Vlive Likes 419,455,333 419,467,767 0% 53
Vlive Comments 1,794,695 1,794,696 0% 61
Vlive Plays 4,116,688 4,117,225 0.01% 67

These interesting article/contents about Ji-Hoon Park & TO1 should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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