Kpop Social Media Trend on 11-11-2021: bugAboo’s ‘Count Dance’ and Momoland’s 5th anniversary of their debut

bugAboo, No.112 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in vlive comments (12.6%. 5,377 more comments) on 11-11-2021.

bugAboo‘s vlive likes also increased a lot (8.06%. 443,779 more likes).

MOMOLAND‘s youtube likes also increased a lot (2.74%. 6,215 more likes).

Here are more social data of bugAboo:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 343,138 346,128 0.86% 102
YouTube Comments 28,691 28,793 0.35% 105
YouTube Views 20,126,286 20,157,267 0.15% 109
Twitter Followers 49,406 49,493 0.18% 104
Twitter Tweets 628 642 2.18% 108
Vlive Members 11,262 11,402 1.23% 97
Vlive Likes 5,059,083 5,502,862 8.06% 95
Vlive Comments 37,013 42,390 12.68% 96
Vlive Plays 73,874 77,943 5.22% 99

Here are more social data of MOMOLAND:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 220,059 226,274 2.75% 108
YouTube Comments 28,017 28,810 2.75% 104
YouTube Views 54,135,389 54,199,044 0.12% 85
Twitter Followers 281,840 281,991 0.05% 76
Twitter Tweets 7,198 7,203 0.07% 23
Vlive Members 677,297 677,395 0.01% 44
Vlive Likes 678,261,018 678,488,294 0.03% 53
Vlive Comments 3,196,013 3,196,051 0% 52
Vlive Plays 20,351,746 20,353,850 0.01% 45

The following interesting articles/contents about bugAboo & MOMOLAND should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers:

“At 8 pm on the 10th, a video of bugAboo’s K-pop medley cover ‘Count Dance’ was released through 1theK’s official YouTube channel. bugAboo drew attention by perfectly digesting the performances of K-pop artists such as BTS, Blackpink, Stray Kids, and Loona.”

“Group Momoland celebrated the 5th anniversary of their debut. Momoland said through Twitter Blue Room Live ‘Momoland 5TH Anniversary’, “Thank you so much to the fans who have been by my side until now.””

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