Home Social Media Trend Articles Kpop Social Media Trend on 11-28-2021: Billlie’s ‘RING_X_RING’ and Cignature’s ‘Boyfriend’

Kpop Social Media Trend on 11-28-2021: Billlie’s ‘RING_X_RING’ and Cignature’s ‘Boyfriend’


Billlie, No.114 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in twitter followers (15.2%. 10,762 more followers) on 11-28-2021.

Billlie‘s youtube views also increased a lot (1.28%. 154,413 more views).

cignature‘s youtube views also increased a lot (1.33%. 303,440 more views).

Here are more social data of Billie:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 344,859 291,756 -18.2% 101
YouTube Comments 20,594 18,316 -12.44% 109
YouTube Views 11,887,587 12,042,000 1.28% 116
Twitter Followers 59,916 70,678 15.23% 96
Twitter Tweets 329 346 4.91% 112
Vlive Members 0 0 0% 221
Vlive Likes 0 0 0% 221
Vlive Comments 0 0 0% 221
Vlive Plays 0 0 0% 221

Here are more social data of cignature:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 439,878 313,778 -40.19% 98
YouTube Comments 29,704 20,266 -46.57% 106
YouTube Views 22,354,679 22,658,119 1.34% 107
Twitter Followers 53,343 53,402 0.11% 103
Twitter Tweets 4,036 4,038 0.05% 48
Vlive Members 18,534 18,622 0.47% 96
Vlive Likes 60,586,898 60,828,321 0.4% 78
Vlive Comments 632,242 643,959 1.82% 72
Vlive Plays 2,380,416 2,407,536 1.13% 74

These interesting article/contents about Billlie & Cignature must be related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Kbopping.com Social Data Trend!**



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