Kpop Social Media Trends on 01-02-2022: Kep1er’s ‘WA DA DA’ and IVE’s activities on various song festivals

Kep1er, No.62 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in youtube views (7.25%. 1,078,408 more views) on 01-02-2022.

Kep1er‘s youtube likes also increased a lot (2.02%. 29,463 more likes).

IVE‘s twitter tweets also increased a lot (3.67%. 22 more tweets).

Here are more social data of Kep1er:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 1,422,966 1,452,429 2.03% 80
YouTube Comments 78,743 79,230 0.61% 85
YouTube Views 13,780,355 14,858,763 7.26% 118
Twitter Followers 632,218 634,100 0.3% 50
Twitter Tweets 550 561 1.96% 112
Vlive Members 492,830 493,144 0.06% 54
Vlive Likes 210,698,493 210,736,838 0.02% 67
Vlive Comments 1,253,617 1,253,617 0% 65
Vlive Plays 2,239,500 2,240,200 0.03% 76

Here are more social data of IVE:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 2,334,931 2,361,832 1.14% 71
YouTube Comments 77,844 78,619 0.99% 86
YouTube Views 27,734,804 28,376,300 2.26% 104
Twitter Followers 473,218 474,460 0.26% 59
Twitter Tweets 577 599 3.67% 111
Vlive Members 0 0 0% 224
Vlive Likes 0 0 0% 224
Vlive Comments 0 0 0% 224
Vlive Plays 0 0 0% 224

These interesting article/contents about Kep1er & IVE should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.


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