Kpop Social Media Trends on 02-27-2022: Billlie’s ‘GingaMingaYo’ and BTOB’s ‘The Song’

Billlie, No.99 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in youtube views (8.90%. 3,772,970 more views) on 02-27-2022.

Billlie‘s youtube likes also increased a lot (3.28%. 35,704 more likes).

BTOB‘s youtube views also increased a lot (1.20%. 5,870,816 more views).

Here are more social data of Billlie:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 1,050,254 1,085,958 3.29% 90
YouTube Comments 48,062 49,351 2.61% 99
YouTube Views 38,578,223 42,351,193 8.91% 98
Twitter Followers 118,195 120,400 1.83% 95
Twitter Tweets 1,172 1,180 0.68% 106
Vlive Members 0 0 0% 221
Vlive Likes 0 0 0% 221
Vlive Comments 0 0 0% 221
Vlive Plays 0 0 0% 221

Here are more social data of BTOB:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 10,136,287 10,166,861 0.3% 35
YouTube Comments 738,100 739,585 0.2% 29
YouTube Views 481,317,335 487,188,151 1.21% 29
Twitter Followers 1,517,372 1,517,604 0.02% 33
Twitter Tweets 10,453 10,500 0.45% 14
Vlive Members 2,641,019 2,641,133 0% 21
Vlive Likes 2,730,526,939 2,730,541,614 0% 32
Vlive Comments 26,228,090 26,228,091 0% 18
Vlive Plays 88,719,932 88,721,720 0% 22

These interesting article/contents about Billlie & BTOB should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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