Kpop Social Media Trends on 03-04-2022: Cherry Bullet’s ‘Love in Space’ and Weeekly’s ‘Ven para’

Cherry Bullet, No.100 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in youtube likes (1.47%. 11,595 more likes) on 03-04-2022.

Cherry Bullet‘s youtube comments also increased a lot (1.12%. 461 more comments).

Weeekly‘s youtube comments also increased a lot (1.29%. 1,020 more comments).

Here are more social data of Cherry Bullet:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 775,763 787,358 1.47% 95
YouTube Comments 40,517 40,978 1.12% 103
YouTube Views 19,281,179 19,331,540 0.26% 116
Twitter Followers 199,970 200,475 0.25% 85
Twitter Tweets 5,814 5,833 0.33% 34
Vlive Members 114,439 114,493 0.05% 76
Vlive Likes 1,465,394,583 1,465,787,961 0.03% 45
Vlive Comments 1,297,914 1,302,012 0.31% 65
Vlive Plays 7,405,554 7,411,428 0.08% 63

Here are more social data of Weeekly:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 1,436,112 1,451,947 1.09% 82
YouTube Comments 78,009 79,029 1.29% 90
YouTube Views 25,616,439 25,827,161 0.82% 113
Twitter Followers 271,198 271,611 0.15% 78
Twitter Tweets 5,879 5,883 0.07% 33
Vlive Members 99,851 99,895 0.04% 77
Vlive Likes 356,570,918 357,030,418 0.13% 62
Vlive Comments 586,430 586,501 0.01% 79
Vlive Plays 3,106,064 3,108,320 0.07% 72

These interesting article/contents about Cherry Bullet & Weeekly should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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