MCND, ‘Movin’ to the Billboard


MCND (Castle J, Bic, Minjae, Huijun, Win) held an online showcase to commemorate the release of their new album ‘THE EARTH: SECRET MISSION Chapter.1’ on the 31st. Castle J said, “Through this album, we hope to reach more people and be a big help in difficult times (due to COVID-19).” 
Through the ‘Age’ series, from ‘ICE AGE’, ‘SCHOOL AGE’, ‘EARTH AGE’, and ‘MCND AGE’, to the blue star Earth that they have been dreaming of while practicing hard for a long time. 
MCND, which showed the story of the arrival process, is now starting a new ‘Secret Mission’ series. MCND said, “It contains the meaning of meeting and having fun breathing together on the stage, which is the final goal, as we go looking for that mission with our fans.” 
The title song ‘Movin’, as the title suggests, is a song containing the will to ‘get closer to GEM (official fandom name) by overcoming the obstacles that stand between us’. 
Castle J, who participated in writing the lyrics, said, “The main song in the album that contains the story of the whole album that we will go to meet you after completing the secret mission is ‘Movein’. Through this activity, we will work hard so that many people can know the group MCND, and enjoy the stage happily, so we hope you will see it positively.” 
MCND is an abbreviation of Music Creates New Dream, which means to create a new dream through music. Castle J said, “Like the theme of the album, we worked with the thought that we would surely meet. In particular, regarding the team’s attention abroad, Castle J said, “I think you like the music and performances that are growing little by little. In the future, MCND will continue to grow and show a more interesting side without stopping, so please keep an eye on it.” 
MCND’s new album ‘The Earth: Secret Mission Chapter 1’ will be released at 6 pm on the same day.




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