NCT 127, who’s 22nd in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, had a big jump in YouTube Likes, 1.40% (196,246 more likes) since yesterday.
NCT 127‘s TikTok Likes (6,100,000), however, didn’t move much and remained 32nd in our TikTok Likes list.
On 07-02-2021, the top 3 artists from Kbopping list with the most YouTube subscribers are still Blackpink followed by BTS and PSY
Artists with the most Twitter followers are BTS followed by EXO and Got7, which is the same as yesterday.
Artists with the most TikTok followers are BTS followed by Blackpink and Tomorrow X Together.
Here are the past 7 days trend of TikTok followers:
**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**