ENHYPEN comeback


Group ENHYPEN is back with a new album on the 4th. 

This album ‘MANIFESTO: DAY 1’ depicts the story of seven boys who have doubts about the success defined by adults and decide to ‘I will no longer live as others tell me to, I will find the answer on my own’. 

Among the title songs released by ENHYPEN, with the ‘hyphen (-)’ omitted from the title for the first time, ENHYPEN expressed their desire to expand the meaning of ‘connection’ for the future they will create on their own through this album. 

On the other hand, ENHYPEN achieved ‘million sellers’ with their 1st regular album ‘DIMENSION: DILEMMA’ released in October last year, and ‘half million sellers’ with their 1st regular repackage album ‘DIMENSION: ANSWER’. 

‘MANIFESTO: DAY 1’, whose new record is expected, is released on the 4th at 6 PM.

Source: sports.donga.com

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