Kpop Social Media Trend on 09-14-2021: PURPLE KISS’s ‘Zombie’ and AESPA’s ‘Savage’

PURPLE KISS, No.74 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in youtube views (1.95%. 1,384,702 more views) on 09-14-2021.

PURPLE KISS‘s twitter tweets also increased a lot (1.45%. 30 more tweets).

** Enjoy Purple Kiss’s ‘Zombie’ Dance Practice video from this YouTube link:

AESPA‘s twitter followers also increased a lot (0.81%. 11,768 more followers).

Here are more social data of PURPLE KISS:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 2,815,294 0 0% 101
YouTube Comments 202,326 0 0% 101
YouTube Views 69,498,113 70,882,815 1.95% 74
Twitter Followers 116,225 116,544 0.27% 85
Twitter Tweets 2,032 2,062 1.45% 72
Vlive Members 37,543 37,590 0.13% 81
Vlive Likes 60,981,576 60,989,981 0.01% 73
Vlive Comments 439,583 439,583 0% 71
Vlive Plays 1,394,627 1,394,978 0.03% 81

Here are more social data of AESPA:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 10,980,175 0 0% 61
YouTube Comments 535,234 0 0% 61
YouTube Views 291,476,379 292,089,376 0.21% 39
Twitter Followers 1,437,034 1,448,802 0.81% 32
Twitter Tweets 824 831 0.84% 97
Vlive Members 548,064 548,634 0.1% 48
Vlive Likes 116,256,388 116,267,376 0.01% 67
Vlive Comments 352,126 352,315 0.05% 74
Vlive Plays 2,057,480 2,057,924 0.02% 72

These interesting article/contents about PURPLE KISS & AESPA should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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