Kpop Social Media Trend on 09-15-2021: STAYC’s ‘STEREOTYPE’ and PURPLE KISS’s ‘Zombie’ again!

STAYC, No.65 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in youtube views (1.62%. 2,764,110 more views) on 09-15-2021.

STAYC‘s twitter followers also increased a lot (1.13%. 3,186 more followers).

PURPLE KISS‘s youtube views also increased a lot (1.88%. 1,365,024 more views).

Here are more social data of STAYC:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 4,563,297 0 0% 83
YouTube Comments 290,070 0 0% 83
YouTube Views 167,660,786 170,424,896 1.62% 60
Twitter Followers 276,694 279,880 1.14% 72
Twitter Tweets 1,642 1,659 1.02% 79
Vlive Members 96,711 97,110 0.41% 72
Vlive Likes 70,223,865 70,234,768 0.02% 72
Vlive Comments 400,852 400,861 0% 73
Vlive Plays 2,038,371 2,039,660 0.06% 73

Here are more social data of PURPLE KISS:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 2,833,587 0 0% 101
YouTube Comments 203,352 0 0% 101
YouTube Views 70,914,865 72,279,889 1.89% 74
Twitter Followers 116,544 117,023 0.41% 85
Twitter Tweets 2,062 2,091 1.39% 72
Vlive Members 37,659 37,728 0.18% 81
Vlive Likes 60,994,433 61,035,049 0.07% 73
Vlive Comments 439,585 439,625 0.01% 71
Vlive Plays 1,395,258 1,396,444 0.08% 81

These interesting article/contents about STAYC & PURPLE KISS should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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