Kpop Social Media Trend on 09-27-2021: HyunA & DAWN’s ‘#PingPongChallenge’ and AESPA’s ‘SAVAGE’

Hyuna, No.25 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in twitter tweets (1.23%. 6 more tweets) on 09-27-2021.

AESPA‘s twitter tweets also increased a lot (0.93%. 8 more tweets).

AESPA‘s twitter followers also increased a lot (0.70%. 10,672 more followers).

Here are more social data of Hyuna:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 10,549,230 0 0% 30
YouTube Comments 322,325 0 0% 30
YouTube Views 338,337,510 339,418,624 0.32% 34
Twitter Followers 823 826 0.36% 107
Twitter Tweets 480 486 1.23% 102
Vlive Members 31,777 31,838 0.19% 84
Vlive Likes 1,247,613 1,248,280 0.05% 94
Vlive Comments 4,358 4,358 0% 94
Vlive Plays 164,695 164,714 0.01% 92

Here are more social data of AESPA:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 11,134,907 0 0% 61
YouTube Comments 537,900 0 0% 61
YouTube Views 300,580,399 300,866,248 0.1% 39
Twitter Followers 1,512,787 1,523,459 0.7% 31
Twitter Tweets 847 855 0.94% 98
Vlive Members 561,415 563,715 0.41% 47
Vlive Likes 117,747,657 118,256,445 0.43% 67
Vlive Comments 356,825 358,442 0.45% 74
Vlive Plays 2,124,065 2,185,597 2.82% 72

These interesting article/contents about Hyuna & AESPA should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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