Kpop Social Media Trends on 01-16-2022: Kep1er’s ‘WA DA DA’ and IVE’s ‘ELEVEN’

Kep1er, No.48 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in youtube views (3.75%. 2,849,806 more views) on 01-16-2022.

Kep1er‘s youtube likes also increased a lot (3.34%. 189,070 more likes).

IVE‘s youtube views also increased a lot (1.40%. 499,509 more views).

Here are more social data of Kep1er:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 5,471,544 5,660,614 3.34% 52
YouTube Comments 237,797 239,993 0.92% 62
YouTube Views 73,051,414 75,901,220 3.75% 81
Twitter Followers 722,983 730,486 1.03% 50
Twitter Tweets 1,086 1,103 1.54% 105
Vlive Members 524,422 525,853 0.27% 52
Vlive Likes 223,352,625 223,498,759 0.07% 67
Vlive Comments 1,295,638 1,295,638 0% 64
Vlive Plays 2,495,851 2,501,201 0.21% 75

Here are more social data of IVE:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 2,699,451 2,717,360 0.66% 71
YouTube Comments 87,534 87,738 0.23% 85
YouTube Views 35,076,242 35,575,751 1.4% 101
Twitter Followers 494,871 496,653 0.36% 58
Twitter Tweets 689 697 1.15% 112
Vlive Members 0 0 0% 224
Vlive Likes 0 0 0% 224
Vlive Comments 0 0 0% 224
Vlive Plays 0 0 0% 224

These interesting article/contents about Kep1er & IVE should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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