Kpop Social Media Trend on 10-13-2021: ENHYPEN’s ‘Tamed-Dashed’ and AESPA’s ‘Savage’

ENHYPEN, No.20 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in twitter tweets (1.58%. 18 more tweets) on 10-13-2021.

ENHYPEN‘s twitter followers also increased a lot (0.54%. 18,748 more followers).

AESPA‘s youtube views also increased a lot (1.27%. 4,331,644 more views).

Here are more social data of ENHYPEN:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 37,284,701 37,324,705 0.11% 12
YouTube Comments 1,370,697 1,371,100 0.03% 18
YouTube Views 278,002,866 278,782,370 0.28% 41
Twitter Followers 3,430,160 3,448,908 0.54% 22
Twitter Tweets 1,118 1,136 1.58% 91
Vlive Members 2,854,729 2,861,315 0.23% 19
Vlive Likes 5,018,108,084 5,020,069,614 0.04% 22
Vlive Comments 36,874,574 36,891,049 0.04% 16
Vlive Plays 109,918,723 109,968,306 0.05% 18

Here are more social data of AESPA:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 11,343,835 11,358,768 0.13% 28
YouTube Comments 538,163 538,159 -0% 34
YouTube Views 334,224,064 338,555,708 1.28% 35
Twitter Followers 1,606,563 1,608,265 0.11% 31
Twitter Tweets 924 927 0.32% 98
Vlive Members 598,285 599,244 0.16% 46
Vlive Likes 123,021,871 123,226,942 0.17% 67
Vlive Comments 371,054 371,653 0.16% 74
Vlive Plays 2,480,958 2,484,080 0.13% 71

These interesting article/contents about ENHYPEN & AESPA should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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