Kpop Social Media Trends on 01-11-2022: Kep1er’s ‘WA DA DA’ and Omega X’s ‘Love Me Like’

Kep1er, No.55 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in youtube views (12.8%. 8,297,936 more views) on 01-11-2022.

Kep1er‘s youtube likes also increased a lot (4.49%. 195,101 more likes).

OMEGA X‘s youtube views also increased a lot (6.45%. 2,100,643 more views).

Here are more social data of Kep1er:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 4,142,204 4,337,305 4.5% 57
YouTube Comments 213,587 216,964 1.56% 64
YouTube Views 56,147,112 64,445,048 12.88% 83
Twitter Followers 693,904 699,386 0.78% 50
Twitter Tweets 991 1,015 2.36% 106
Vlive Members 511,050 513,056 0.39% 53
Vlive Likes 211,766,764 211,852,805 0.04% 67
Vlive Comments 1,253,617 1,253,617 0% 65
Vlive Plays 2,273,471 2,276,626 0.14% 76

Here are more social data of OMEGA X:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 964,228 971,146 0.71% 90
YouTube Comments 82,464 82,796 0.4% 86
YouTube Views 30,432,465 32,533,108 6.46% 104
Twitter Followers 69,937 70,102 0.24% 99
Twitter Tweets 1,608 1,612 0.25% 88
Vlive Members 33,879 33,961 0.24% 91
Vlive Likes 67,124,097 67,197,983 0.11% 80
Vlive Comments 791,054 791,116 0.01% 71
Vlive Plays 846,339 848,055 0.2% 90

These interesting article/contents about WEi & TVXQ! should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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