Kpop Social Media Trends on 01-22-2022: Kep1er’s ‘WA DA DA’ and VICTON’s ‘Chronography’

Kep1er, No.48 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in youtube views (2.25%. 2,048,173 more views) on 01-22-2022.

Kep1er‘s youtube likes also increased a lot (1.63%. 106,325 more likes).

VICTON‘s youtube views also increased a lot (2.00%. 3,490,791 more views).

Here are more social data of Kep1er:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 6,414,346 6,520,671 1.63% 50
YouTube Comments 255,882 258,046 0.84% 59
YouTube Views 88,914,984 90,963,157 2.25% 78
Twitter Followers 750,595 754,216 0.48% 49
Twitter Tweets 1,176 1,190 1.18% 102
Vlive Members 535,929 536,765 0.16% 51
Vlive Likes 224,218,367 224,246,576 0.01% 67
Vlive Comments 1,295,638 1,295,638 0% 64
Vlive Plays 2,531,774 2,533,683 0.08% 73

Here are more social data of VICTON:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 6,584,786 6,594,610 0.15% 49
YouTube Comments 393,491 393,899 0.1% 48
YouTube Views 170,608,335 174,099,126 2.01% 65
Twitter Followers 378,222 378,372 0.04% 66
Twitter Tweets 2,267 2,268 0.04% 78
Vlive Members 565,988 566,029 0.01% 48
Vlive Likes 10,030,988,299 10,031,150,146 0% 14
Vlive Comments 37,605,779 37,605,796 0% 16
Vlive Plays 128,977,422 128,980,450 0% 16

These interesting article/contents about Kep1er & VICTON should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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