Kpop Social Media Trends on 09-08-2022: ONEUS’s ‘Same Scent’ and IVE’s ‘After LIKE’

ONEUS, No.56 in YouTube subscribers of Kbopping list, made a significant daily increase in youtube views (1.77%. 5,676,969 more views) on 09-08-2022.

IVE‘s twitter tweets also increased a lot (1.12%. 33 more tweets).

IVE‘s youtube views also increased a lot (0.85%. 3,297,368 more views).

Here are more social data of ONEUS:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 12,631,564 12,656,933 0.2% 31
YouTube Comments 987,874 990,456 0.26% 26
YouTube Views 313,978,025 319,654,994 1.78% 50
Twitter Followers 781,750 782,095 0.04% 51
Twitter Tweets 13,509 13,532 0.17% 7
Vlive Members 405,762 0 0% 118
Vlive Likes 1,545,492,872 0 0% 118
Vlive Comments 17,447,932 0 0% 118
Vlive Plays 58,987,798 0 0% 118

Here are more social data of IVE:

  Yesterday Today Increase % Kbopping Ranking
YouTube Likes 10,044,957 10,092,109 0.47% 42
YouTube Comments 252,676 253,639 0.38% 63
YouTube Views 383,932,048 387,229,416 0.85% 49
Twitter Followers 986,679 988,024 0.14% 44
Twitter Tweets 2,893 2,926 1.13% 75
Vlive Members 0 0 0% 224
Vlive Likes 0 0 0% 224
Vlive Comments 0 0 0% 224
Vlive Plays 0 0 0% 224

These interesting article/contents about ONEUS & IVE should have been related to the increase of their social media numbers.

**Try making your own data trend charts with other artists through Social Data Trend!**


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