EVERGLOW has transformed into deadly zombies, captivating fans worldwide. The group, consisting of members E, Sihyeon, Mia, Onda, Aisha, and Yiren, released the music...
Singer and producer Zico's 'SPOT!' is achieving long-term success. According to the global music streaming platform YouTube Music, Zico's digital single 'SPOT!' (feat. JENNIE)...
The music video for TWS (TourS)'s pre-release track 'Hey! Hey!' has been unveiled, showcasing a bright and energetic vibe that has captured attention. Pledis...
BTS's V has reached a significant milestone with his solo track 'Love Me Again,' surpassing 600 million streams on Spotify. This achievement marks the...
BTS's Jungkook has made history with his first solo album, 'GOLDEN,' which has surpassed 3.5 billion streams on Spotify, marking a significant milestone for...
Artemis (ARTMS) unveils their music with the release of their first full-length album, ‘Dall’ (Devine All Love & Live), set to be officially available...
The South Korean boy group A.C.E is making a comeback with a new single titled 'Supernatural' after a three-year hiatus. The group, comprising members...
Girl group ILLIT continues to shine with their global popularity on the Billboard charts.
According to the latest Billboard chart released on May 29 (KST),...
Singer Zico is enjoying sustained popularity with his latest single.
According to the latest Billboard chart released on May 29 (KST), Zico's digital single 'SPOT!...
The global fandom for K-pop idols is accelerating rapidly, leading to significant achievements across various metrics. The Billboard charts, representing the world’s largest music...
ATEEZ is ramping up the excitement for their comeback.
On May 29, KQ Entertainment announced that ATEEZ released the second teaser video for the music...
BTS's Jungkook continues to make waves on Spotify with impressive streaming numbers.
The track 'Hate You' from Jungkook's first solo album 'GOLDEN', released last November,...
aespa continues their meteoric rise with the release of their first full-length album, 'Armageddon'. Released on May 27, the album quickly climbed to the...
BTS's RM has unveiled the music video for 'Groin', a track from his second solo album 'Right Place, Wrong Person'.
'Groin' is an alternative hip-hop...